[praat-users] Applying a new intensity tier to a sound - Intensity Manipulation
noelleroselinglady@yahoo.ie [praat-users]
2015-09-11 12:15:07 UTC
Dear Praat Users,

I am manipulating a CVCV production to have varying duration, pitch, as well as intensity. I have had no problems manipulating the duration and pitch, as one can create new duration and pitch tiers and simply replace the tiers. However, for the intensity tier I created, the only option I have is to 'multiply' it with the sound I want to add it to, and the intensity values are not at all what I want them to be.

Does anyone know how to accurately manipulate the intensity values if I know the time and the intensity values I want the sound to have?

Your help would be very much appreciated!!!

José Joaquín Atria jjatria@gmail.com [praat-users]
2015-09-12 22:53:37 UTC
You'll want to use an IntensityTier, as is explained in the documentation [1].

[1]: http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/manual/Intro_8_3__Manipulation_of_intensity.html

José Joaquín Atria

Post by ***@yahoo.ie [praat-users]
Dear Praat Users,
I am manipulating a CVCV production to have varying duration, pitch, as well
as intensity. I have had no problems manipulating the duration and pitch, as
one can create new duration and pitch tiers and simply replace the tiers.
However, for the intensity tier I created, the only option I have is to
'multiply' it with the sound I want to add it to, and the intensity values
are not at all what I want them to be.
Does anyone know how to accurately manipulate the intensity values if I know
the time and the intensity values I want the sound to have?
Your help would be very much appreciated!!!
Paul Boersma paul.boersma@uva.nl [praat-users]
2015-09-13 07:10:17 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.ie [praat-users]
I am manipulating a CVCV production to have varying duration, pitch, as well as intensity. I have had no problems manipulating the duration and pitch, as one can create new duration and pitch tiers and simply replace the tiers. However, for the intensity tier I created, the only option I have is to 'multiply' it with the sound I want to add it to, and the intensity values are not at all what I want them to be.
Does anyone know how to accurately manipulate the intensity values if I know the time and the intensity values I want the sound to have?
This is impossible; that's why it is not available in Praat. You cannot give a sound the exact intensity curve that you want. An intensity curve is computed on the basis of a smoothing window; otherwise, the intensity would go up and down within a period (for voiced sounds). Therefore, an intensity measurement reflects more time points than just the one at which it is reported. This also means that if a point in the intensity curve is at e.g. 90 dB, the following point cannot be below 85 dB or so (with standard settings). Thus, in general, the shape of an intensity curve is quite restricted and you cannot generally change the sound in such a way that its intensity curve obtains exactly the shape that you want.

Paul Boersma
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 210, room 303
1012VT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
mwinn83@yahoo.com [praat-users]
2015-09-12 21:08:13 UTC
Noelle, You're probably facing a problem similar to what I have seen in the past, which is seeing that the intensity contour of one sound is multiplied on top of the intensity contour of another sound, rather than being simply superimposed. The solution is to first flatten the contour of the sound that you are trying to manipulate, and *then* multiply the contour of the reference sound. Here's a short script that accomplishes this for a single sound (you might be able to imagine how it could be turned into a procedure for batch processing). There's an extra pause in there in case you want to make further modifications to the new contour (including omitting any wild values like -298 dB or something).

# superimpose intensity contour of one sound

pause select the sound that you want to modify
.name$ = selected$("Sound")

pause select the sound with the new intensity contour
.ref$ = selected$("Sound")

# constant
minpitch = 80

select Sound '.ref$'
To Intensity... minpitch 0 yes
Down to IntensityTier

select Sound '.name$'
originalIntensity = Get intensity (dB)

select Sound '.name$'
To Intensity... minpitch 0 yes
Down to IntensityTier
select Intensity '.name$'
mean = Get mean... 0 0 dB
select IntensityTier '.name$'
Copy... flipped
Formula... -(self-mean)
select Sound '.name$'
plus IntensityTier flipped
Multiply... no
Rename... '.name$'_flattened

select IntensityTier '.ref$'
editor IntensityTier '.ref$'
pause adjust the intensity contour as you wish

select IntensityTier '.ref$'
plus Sound '.name$'_flattened
Multiply... no
Rename... '.name$'_adj_int
Scale intensity... originalIntensity

select Intensity '.name$'
plus IntensityTier '.name$'
plus Intensity '.ref$'
plus IntensityTier '.ref$'
plus IntensityTier flipped
plus Sound '.name$'_flattened
Dan McCloy drmccloy@uw.edu [praat-users]
2015-09-12 19:09:51 UTC
I'm working now on a paper describing this method, but in the meantime you
can see my dissertation [1] (section 4.2.3 and script B.3) for one approach

to imposing the intensity of one speech signal onto another. It is based
on a method first published by Yoon [2].

[1]: https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/handle/1773/23472
[2]: Yoon, K. (2007). Imposing native speakers’ prosody on non-native
speakers’ utterances: The technique of cloning prosody. 현대영믞얎묞학회 (The
Journal of Modern British & American Language & Literature), 25(4), 197–215.

-- dan

Daniel McCloy
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences
University of Washington
Post by ***@yahoo.ie [praat-users]
Dear Praat Users,
I am manipulating a CVCV production to have varying duration, pitch, as
well as intensity. I have had no problems manipulating the duration and
pitch, as one can create new duration and pitch tiers and simply replace
the tiers. However, for the intensity tier I created, the only option I
have is to 'multiply' it with the sound I want to add it to, and the
intensity values are not at all what I want them to be.
Does anyone know how to accurately manipulate the intensity values if I
know the time and the intensity values I want the sound to have?
Your help would be very much appreciated!!!